Comprehensive Signal Analysis: Unraveling Mean Frequency, Power, and Bandwidth


Zine Ghemari1*


1Electrical Engineering Department University Mohamed Boudiaf, Msila, Algeria


*Correspondence to: Zine Ghemari, PhD, Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, University Mohamed Boudiaf, M’sila, BP 166 M’sila 28000, Algeria; Email:


DOI: 10.53964/jmim.2024004



Objective: The power spectral density (PSD) serves as a fundamental tool in signal analysis, revealing valuable insights into the distribution of power across frequencies. This paper explores the concept of PSD, which emerges from the Fourier transform of a signals autocorrelation function. By examining power distribution, PSD provides a comprehensive understanding of a signals spectral characteristics.


Methods: We generate a chirp signal with specific parameters, including initial and final frequencies, and introduce white Gaussian noise. The combination of these signals forms a composite signal, enabling the calculation of its PSD.


Results: Visualizing the PSD allows for discernment of the frequency distribution, with the median frequency providing insights into the central tendency of the distribution.


Conclusion: Furthermore, the customization of plots enhances the visual representation of data, tailoring it to the requirements of the specific application. Adjustments to color schemes, line styles, and annotations improve clarity and aid in conveying complex information effectively.


Keywords: signal analysis, frequency, power, bandwidth



Dedicated and results-driven professional with expertise in vibration analysis, offering a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic behavior of mechanical systems, structures, and machinery. Proficient in utilizing this sophisticated diagnostic tool to interpret vibration signals and provide valuable insights into system health and performance. Adept at applying principles from physics, engineering, and signal processing to contribute to predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, and fault diagnosis across diverse industries[1-12].


The central objective of vibration analysis is to decipher and comprehend the complex patterns of motion inherent in a system, transforming these patterns into insightful information about its state. By employing specialized sensors and advanced analytical methods, professionals can derive valuable insights into frequency, amplitude, and phase, revealing the vibrational features that harbor essential diagnostic information[13-29].


This approach is pivotal in averting unforeseen malfunctions, fine-tuning maintenance timetables, and elongating the operational lifespan of both machinery and structural elements. With industries progressively leaning on cutting-edge technologies, the importance of vibration analysis amplifies, fostering heightened reliability, efficiency, and safety across a broad spectrum of applications[30-47].


In this examination of vibration analysis, we delve into the foundational principles, methodologies, and applications that render it an indispensable instrument for engineers, maintenance professionals, and researchers aiming to comprehend, oversee, and augment the performance of dynamic systems[48-65].


Dedicated professional with expertise in signal analysis, navigating the intricate realms of scientific, engineering, and technological pursuits. Specialized in unraveling the unique characteristics of diverse signals, I bring a keen focus on fundamental parameters such as mean frequency, power, and bandwidth. This resume reflects my commitment to providing comprehensive insights into signal analysis and precision in measuring these cardinal metrics.



The mean frequency serves as a crucial metric, unveiling the central tendency within a signals frequency composition by representing the average frequency where the signals energy is dispersed. In signal processing, accurately determining the mean frequency proves essential for comprehending the primary spectral components. Established techniques such as Fourier analysis and wavelet transforms are commonly employed for calculating mean frequency. Engineers and researchers frequently utilize mean frequency as a valuable tool to pinpoint the central frequency around which additional spectral components are distributed.


Creating a power-frequency plot in MATLAB involves analyzing the power spectral density (PSD) of a signal using appropriate functions, computing the frequency vector, and plotting the PSD against frequency to visualize the power distribution across different frequency components in the signal. This process is fundamental for analyzing and understanding the frequency characteristics of signals in various engineering and scientific applications. The PSD represents how the power of a signal is distributed across different frequencies.


The simulation parameters are summarized in Table 1.


Table 1. Simulation Parameters



Sampling frequency (Hz)


Time vector (s)


First chirp signal

chirp1 = chirp(t, 200, 1, 300, linear)

Second chirp signal

chirp2 = chirp(t, 200, 1, 300, linear) * 2


The simulation results are summarized in Figure 1.



Figure 1. Power/frequency as a function of frequency.


Figure 1 is a caption or label for a graphical representation that illustrates how the power of a signal changes across different frequencies. This type of figure is commonly used in signal processing and analysis to visualize the spectral characteristics of a signal, often obtained through techniques like the Fourier transform or periodogram.


In broad terms, the PSD results from the Fourier transform of a signals autocorrelation function, offering information on power distribution across frequencies. Typically depicted on a graph with frequency on the x-axis and power or power density on the y-axis, this representation visually conveys how a signals power spreads over different frequency components.


To demonstrate, produce an additional chirp signal beginning at 200kHz, concluding at 300kHz, and exhibiting an amplitude double that of the initial signal. Inject white Gaussian noise and merge the two chirp signals to form a unified composite signal. Compute the PSD of this composite signal to analyze its frequency distribution. Subsequently, construct a graphical depiction of the PSD, employing the frequency on the x-axis and power or power density on the y-axis. Lastly, denote or highlight the median frequency on the PSD plot, delineating the pivotal point where the signals power is evenly dispersed.


Figure 2 implies that on the plot representing the PSD of the signal, a specific frequency point is highlighted – the median frequency. This point is significant because it signifies the frequency below which half of the signals power is concentrated. Visualizing the median frequency on the PSD plot can provide valuable insights into the central tendency of the signals frequency distribution.


Create a plot of the PSD and indicate the mean frequency on the graph using a mark or annotation.



Figure 2. Median frequency on the PSD.


In this graphical representation, denoted as Figure 3, we navigate the intricate landscape of signal analysis, specifically focusing on the mean frequency as a prominent feature showcased on the PSD plot. The PSD serves as a dynamic canvas, illustrating the distribution of signal power across various frequencies.



Figure 3. Mean frequency on the PSD.


Figure 3 serves as an illustrative guide, unraveling the intricate interplay between mean frequency and the PSD plot. By navigating this visual landscape, we gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of mean frequency analysis in deciphering the essence of signal dynamics. Join us in this exploration as we decode the visual language of Figure 3, where every point tells a story about the mean frequencys role in the spectral tapestry of signal analysis.



The given statement describes a signal processing task centered around chirp signals, which exhibit changing frequencies over time. In this task, chirps are considered as distinct channels, and the aim is to examine each channel separately. The objective is to determine the mean frequency for each chirp and visually represent the outcomes by plotting PSDs against frequency.


In signal processing, a "chirp" denotes a signal with a time-varying frequency. By treating each chirp as a distinct channel, they are considered separate components or sources within the overall signal.


The objective is to ascertain the mean frequency for each identified chirp or channel. This involves utilizing various methods, including analyzing the signals frequency content, to compute a central frequency that best represents each channel.


The PSD provides a means to illustrate the distribution of a signals power across various frequencies. Constructing a PSD plot entails depicting the power content of each chirp or channel relative to frequency. Once the mean frequencies for each channel are estimated, the next step involves annotating the PSD plot. This annotation involves marking or labeling the plot to denote the mean frequency corresponding to each channel.


To analyze a chirp-based channel in MATLAB, you can simulate a chirp signal passing through a channel and observe its characteristics. The resulting curve of Chirp-Based Channel Analysis is shown in Figure 4.



Figure 4. The curve of Chirp-Based Channel Analysis.


In Figure 4, analyzing the curve obtained from Chirp-Based Channel Analysis allows us to assess the performance of the communication channel and identify any distortions, delays, or frequency-dependent effects present in the channel. By characterizing the channel response, engineers can design and optimize communication systems to mitigate the effects of channel impairments and improve overall system performance.


Adjusting chirp signal characteristics involves modifying parameters such as initial and final frequencies, amplitude, and modulation type to match the requirements of the specific application. For instance, in radar applications, optimizing chirp characteristics can enhance target detection.


Customizing plots involves enhancing the visual representation of data. This could include adjusting color schemes, line styles, or marker types for better clarity. Additionally, annotations such as labels, legends, and text can be added to provide context and insights. This customization is particularly useful when presenting results or findings from signal processing analyses.



In the realm of signal analysis, power stands as a pivotal metric, offering a quantitative measure of a signals strength and intensity. This metric serves as a fundamental indicator of the signals energy content and plays a crucial role in evaluating its amplitude. My expertise in power measurement spans diverse fields, including telecommunications, audio processing, and vibration analysis.


Within the domain of PSD, power takes on added significance. Here, it becomes a key tool for pinpointing frequency regions where a signal carries substantial energy. I bring proficiency in employing various measurement techniques, encompassing time-domain methodologies such as root mean square and frequency-domain approaches like Parsevals theorem in Fourier analysis.


Bandwidth, another critical parameter in signal analysis, defines the frequency range occupied by a signal. My skill set includes a nuanced understanding of bandwidth, emphasizing its role in gauging a signals information-carrying capacity. This knowledge proves invaluable, particularly in communication systems where efficient utilization of available frequency bands is paramount. I specialize in bandwidth measurement methods tailored to different signal types, often involving the determination of the frequency range containing a specified percentage of the signals power.



Broadly speaking, the PSD arises from the Fourier transform of a signals autocorrelation function, offering insights into power distribution across frequencies.


To further illustrate this concept, another chirp signal can be generated with specific parameters, including an initial frequency of 200kHz, a final frequency of 300kHz, and an amplitude twice that of the initial signal. White Gaussian noise can be introduced, and the two chirp signals can be combined to create a composite signal. Subsequently, the PSD of this composite signal can be calculated to discern its frequency distribution.


Visualizing the median frequency on the PSD plot offers valuable insights into the central tendency of the signals frequency distribution. This comprehensive analysis enhances our understanding of the signals spectral properties and facilitates informed decision-making in signal processing and analysis.


Customizing plots allows for the enhancement of visual representations of data, catering to the specific needs of the application at hand. This process involves adjusting various parameters such as color schemes, line styles, or marker types to improve clarity and visual appeal.



The study was financially supported by the Algerian General Direction of Research (DGRSDT).


Conflicts of Interest

The author declared there is no conflict.


Author Contribution

The author contributed to the manuscript and approved the final version independently.


Abbreviation List

PSD, Power spectral density



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